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The Jakob Law Firm


Consultation Practices and Policies

Send Us an Email.   Please feel free to use the "contact" dialog boxes to send email to the firm. There is no charge for contacting the firm to ask about the firm or to describe a legal problem for which you are seeking assistance. 


Call Us.   You may also call the firm.  There is no charge for calls designed to learn about the firm's capabilities and practices or to communicate the legal problems for which you are seeking assistance.  These free initial communications do not extend to furnishing legal advice.  They are opportunities for the firm and potential client to introduce themselves to each other.  The firm tries to keep these communications brief so they do not interfere with the provision of services to existing clients.


Formal ConsultationsAt a reduced hourly rate and sometimes for a flat fee, the firm can provide formal consultations that give you the information needed to determine the value of investing in legal representation.

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